Saturday, 24 June 2023

Khmer Diary

The Thai flight from Suvarnabhumi to Phnom Penh lands five minutes ahead of ETA. I had opted for an eVisa for my visit, thus avoiding the long queue under `visa on arrival’. I timed myself from aircraft alighting, passing through immigration check, baggage collection and boarding a cab. Twenty one minutes. This is a good start!


Prima facie, there is little to suggest an Indian influence in these parts. Scratch the surface, and nuggets appear. The etymology of three places in Cambodia serve as examples.

Consider Angkor. It is a corruption of the Khmer word `Nkor’ which, in turn, is derived from the Sanskrit `Nagar’, i.e. City.

The Rolous Group of temples lies 13 kms off Siem Reap, and was the capital of the Khmer kingdom around the 9th – 10th centuries. The locals refer to this place as Harihara-alaya. Hari + Hara + Alaya; in other words, the abode of Vishnu and Shiva.  

On the south-west fringes of Phnom Penh lies Chaktomuk, a serene place to watch the sunset from a barge. It lies at the confluence of four rivers; Tonle Sap (2 branches), Bassac and Mekong. Chaktomuk is a corruption of the Sanskrit word `Chaturmukh’, i.e. four faces.


On the return bus ride from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, I sat next to a man about my age. We got talking. He was a pisciculture expert, involved in several riverine fish breeding projects in the country. He talked about Tonle Sap, the country’s main river. It is the only river in the world that reverses direction in water flow every year, based on seasonality. With the onset of monsoon in June, the river flows upstream, away from the sea, and empties into Tonle Sap Lake (the largest freshwater lake in south-east Asia) for the next four to five months.   

Bend in Tonle Sap at Phnom Penh


My early memories of Phnom Penh were of a quaint, sleepy outpost emerging from the scars of Khmer Rouge. It was one of those rare capital cities with no public transport infrastructure; it still does not have one. Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in construction, and vehicles on clogged roads. All in the name of development, or as our Government is fond of reiterating……`Vikaas’.

Two, three and four wheelers jostle for limited road space…..politely. The usual global big guns in the motor vehicles world fight for market share for two and four wheelers. The tuktuk or three-wheeler segment, however, is an absolute duopoly……between Bajaj and TVS. My heart imperceptibly swells, ever so slightly.


More on the ongoing real estate boom at Phnom Penh. Skyscrapers, blocked views, reflecting glass buildings, sharp angles, blinding LED displays……the city skyline has acquired that numbing sameness prevalent in most other metros.

Siem Reap offers a welcome change. There is something about red-tiled slanted roofs, pagoda-esque, that’s easy on the eyes!

Phnom Penh skyline

Siem Reap skyline


I meet John at Lost Bar & Grill, located on the toney promenade of Sisowath Quay. Looks-wise, he appears as a slimmer version of Telly Savalas, and prefers being dressed in all black. He hails from Boston suburbs. He hasn’t been to the USA in thirty-five years after setting foot in these parts. John cut his teeth in the construction equipment hiring business in the Siem Reap area, graduated to a road building contractor before stepping off the gas to open this bar at Phnom Penh a couple of months ago. Lost Bar specializes in all forms of beer off the tap. Business is looking up. John is happy to let me play my own music from YouTube in an establishment devoid of other customers.

Across the counter a bespectacled, studious young lady caters to my thirst. Her name is Alli, and she’s from Siem Reap. She is 24. We start a conversation. Alli graduated in banking and finance from the Royal University of Cambodia and took up this 3 PM to 11 PM job. The pay is decent, and she gets to have spare hours in the mornings. She shares a small apartment at Phnom Penh with her brother, who works at a real estate firm.

“With your academic background, you could have landed a job at one of several local or international banks,” I say.

“I do not want one. I receive feedback from my batchmates about the high levels of stress at banks. And such a job does not align with my objective,” she responds.

“So what is your objective?”

“I utilize my free time in the mornings to prepare for my masters at the university, which I will attend next year.”

“And what thereafter?”

“I will take up a teacher’s job at a high school or college at Siem Reap, and be with my community.”

Perspective! Experienced `Swades’ first hand.


Surviving the hot, humid and sticky weather is a challenge. Cambodia has a sensible solution to beat the tropical heat. It is called beer.

Beer encompasses your daily life. A large proportion of hoardings advertise all brands and forms. Beer is available off the shelf at daily needs stores and mom-and-pop shops; at prices that compare favourably with mineral water.

Some of the brands are well established. There is the eponymous `Cambodia’. `Angkor’ is not far behind, with its word-played `Anchor’ offering meaningful challenge.

The new kids on the block are more interesting. `Ganzberg’ bears no relation with the Beat Generation icon. Its name is derived from a combination of G for German (because it is advertised as beer made with premium German technology) and perhaps from the promoters’ fascination for Carlsberg.

I see dark clouds of a diplomatic stand-off brewing between Cambodia and India. The current rage in Cambodian beer-dom is a robust, full-bodied stout (Alc. 5.3% Vol). It is only a matter of time before the bhakts get wind of this offering. It is called Hanuman.


I can confirm, with much happiness, that the industry in fakes and replicas thrives like never before. This straddles the world of iconic brands in fashion and allied accessories. For the discerning visitor, it is vital to distinguish between a fake and a replica. A fake usually involves a shoddy rip-off, often with a re-arrangement of letters in the name. The end-product often also lacks finesse. A replica, ah monsieur, has the touch of an artiste! Pictures speak louder than words. Check out the catalogue samples below.








Officially, it is called the Kingdom of Cambodia. The day after I reached Siem Reap, the country celebrated the Queen Mother’s birthday with much joy. But as Lennon / McCartney wrote, “Her Majesty is a pretty nice girl, but she doesn’t have much to say.” Cambodia matches UK as a constitutional monarchy. Although it is described as a multi-party democracy, ruling power has rested since 1985 with Hun Sen (a Khmer Rouge defector) and his Cambodian Peoples Party. Hun Sen’s outlook may be paraphrased in that quote of Henry Ford about Model T…..`people can vote for anyone, as long as it is the Cambodian Peoples Party’.


People in the Khmer kingdom originally adopted Hinduism. Towards the end of the 12th century, the majority converted to Buddhism, led by the royal family. The intricate reliefs sculpted in the western gallery of Angkor Wat depict scenes from the Indian epics. Ramayana permeates sections of Cambodian society even today. Inexplicably, the Mahabharata is virtually unknown in modern Cambodia. The walls of the southern section of the western gallery are dedicated to the battle of Kurukshetra. A large contingent of middle-aged Americans arrive to view this section. Here is a rough transcript of what their tour guide had to relate about this section, which I overheard.

“What you see are scenes from the final Battle of Kurukshetra, as described in Mahabharata. ‘Maha’ means `great’ and `Bharat’ means `war’. This was a war between two brothers; one good and the other evil. The good brother ultimately beat the evil one, primarily because he had the blessings and guidance of Krishna. Krishna is another name for Lord Vishnu, to whom Angkor Wat is dedicated.”

Go figure!

Bhishma on his bed of arrows

Karan - Arjun letting it rip


All visitors to these parts have their favourite Angkor temples. Mine lies beyond the Angkor Archaeological Park, 25 kms north-east of Siem Reap. Banteay Srei is a 10th century Shiva temple, pre-dating Angkor Wat by a couple of centuries. It is a miniature marvel of intricate carvings in red sandstone. In Khmer, `Banteay Srei’ means `the city of women’. But this is a contemporary name derived from a phonetic pronunciation of `Banteay Sri’, the `auspicious city’. Inscriptions excavated at the site gives its original Sanskrit name as `Ishwarapura’, the `city of God’. The four `dwarpalas’ (guardians) in the inner sanctum are intriguing. Their faces are a mixture of Garuda (the bird) and a monkey.


Do not miss out on a show of Phare Circus when at Siem Reap. This is a remarkable project that originated at Battambang in 1994 with nine children from refugee camps in the aftermath of Khmer Rouge. A monk took them under his wings and taught them painting and art as therapy to overcome their trauma. This initiative metamorphosed to an art and public school, where free education is provided. A music and theatre school came up next. Finally, for kids who wanted more, the circus school emerged. Phare has produced 250+ shows around the world, including in far flung countries like France and Russia. In 2021, it entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running single circus show, timed at 24 hours 10 minutes! But this is a list of achievements only. The Phare Circus show is a dizzying, jaw-dropping, synchronous amalgam of art, folklore, theatre, music and acrobatics. One for the ages.


Finally, I dedicate a section to Chea Nor, my friend, philosopher and tuktuk man at Angkor. Physically, Chea is a combination of four outsized football; a couple that pass off as legs, a small one that represents his head and the largest one that comprise the rest of his body. Chea is the ultimate gadget freak and multi-tasker. He contends that his tuktuk is air-conditioned. What that means is that there is a blower in the shape of an AC vent that is directed at the passenger section. He has installed a mini refrigerator in the boot. After each halt in oppressive weather, he offers a bottle of chilled water and cold towels …. with a smile. Three smartphones are installed on mobile stands in front of his steering wheel. One is dedicated to WhatsApp and a second one to Telegram. He maintains a constant two-way communication via recorded messages on these two apps, ostensibly with his fellow tuktuk brethren and commission agents. On the third phone, he is on facetime, in animated dialogue with a woman who I assume is his wife. All these activities occur simultaneously, as he keeps watch on the road whilst driving. At each halt, he unpacks a portable hammock from the boot, hangs it from the branches of two trees, goes horizontal and renews his arguments with his wife.

Life’s good!

Note the smartphones!

Tuktuk with an AC!


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